Natural Health Aspects

Oregon Coast Natural Health combines extensive research on what is termed “natural health”

and developed the Seven Natural Health Aspects, with the goal to maintain optimum balance for wellness and health.

The Seven Natural Health Aspects aid to create a pathway to wellness, balance with yourself, others and your environment.

We use these Seven Natural Health Aspects to streamline efficiency of educating and consulting anyone who seeks to improve their lives naturally.

You Have the Power to Change Your Path to Wellness Today!

Are you out of balance in one or more of the natural aspects?

  • Nourishment

    Nourishment is the nutrition and hydration that helps sustain an individual’s wellness by providing the body the essential nutrients and hydration for optimal health.

  • Connection to Nature

    Connection to nature is creating a calm and peaceful connection to something that you are already a part of., the natural world all around you.

  • Spirituality

    Spirituality is the daily process of personal development and growth that includes gaining wisdom, refining your purpose, and using your own beliefs and values to maintain your personal growth.

  • Environment

    Physical environment is your surroundings where you spend the majority of your time. It is where your positive and negative energy collects.

  • Healing

    Healing is the process of realignment into a state of physical, mental and emotional balance. It is the improvements and realignment needed as a result of illness, injury, trauma and/or sustained period of stress.

  • Mindset

    Mindset is your perception, how you deal with your day-to-day life with a steady reaction to everyday events. It is also staying focused on the things that need your attention, while maintaining a well-balanced perspective.

  • Physical Activity

    Physical activity is any form of movement from walking, gardening, breath work, various types of exercises, sports, hobbies, outdoor activities, stretching as well as creative outlets. It is how you physically interact with all things in your life.

Review the natural aspects self-assessment wheel and see if you are in balance for optimal wellness.

What area do you need to gain the knowledge and practical tips to become more balanced with your natural health and wellness?